Line-Runner Lake is a private eleven acre lake that may be enjoyed by Line-Runner Ridge property owners and their guests only. There is a dock and picnic area for their use at the Northwest corner of the lake.
There is currently one boat rack at the lake with six slots. The six slots on the boat rack are rented out to owners. Please contact the Board ( if you are interested in using a slot on the boat rack.
No gas operated watercraft are allowed on the lake.
Please respect other property owners as they share the lake with you.
Fishing regulations vary by species. Please see the information on the fish species below. This information will be updated over time.
Coppernose Blue Gill Fish are a pan fish that spawn several times a year. These fish are natural prey for Large Mouth Bass and account for a large portion of Bass' diet. AS OF 05/2022 SIX BLUE GILL MAY BE HARVESTED, PER INDIVIDUAL, PER DAY WITH A MINIMUM SIZE LIMIT OF FIVE INCHES PER FISH.
Largemouth Bass are widely known as an aggressive fish for sport fishing. Their diet consists of mostly smaller fish and insects. These fish can grow to over 15 pounds in size under the right conditions. THESE FISH MAY ONLY BE CAUGHT AND RELEASED AT THIS TIME.
Channel Catfish are bottom feeders that mainly feed at night. The meat from Channel Catfish is very popular for eating. These fish can get very large and some of our catfish are over thirty inches in length at this time. Two (2) Channel Catfish may be harvested per day, per family or group..
Rainbow Trout are a very popular sporting fish worldwide. They are also known for being one of the most delicious of the freshwater fish for eating. We added approximately 100 Rainbow Trout to the lake in a supplemental stocking. Rainbow Trout may be kept if caught.
Triploid Grass Carp are scientifically bred and WILL NOT reproduce. We purchased 50 of these fish as a natural alternative to chemicals for treating weeds and algae. These fish are literally water "cows" and eat weeds and algae at an incredible rate. These fish are not good to eat and were purchased at a per fish price. PLEASE RELEASE THESE FISH IMMEDIATELY IF CAUGHT.
During our largest fish stocking several Koi were accidentaly added to the fish population. These fish grow quite large and are beautiful to look at. Koi are similar to Carp and are not good to eat.
2013 Post Dam Repair Stocking
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